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faire connaitre mon magasin à Charmont-sous-Barbuise

Charmont-Sous-Barbuise (10150)
} tourisme, photos, infos...

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Plan de Charmont-sous-Barbuise

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Note moyenne pour Charmont-Sous-Barbuise
  1. j'aime bien cette ville !

    That we visited and taekld w/ the man, but the heady mountain air, and it being after an already full day of fun, I don't remember that part.I thought that another cidery was operating, based on a convo with another ciderist, but that was years ago and I've lost touch with him.At one point, there was a cider mill at Hart, Virginia but it's been off the maps for years. I searched the area and made some calls, and while there's a winery there now, they couldn't tell me anything about the cidery.I guess that's the way they come and go a meadery near Sperryville, Virginia. When we went by, it was abandoned. I would love it if we had enough cideries to plan a Virginia vacation around. Maybe one day.

  2. je suis fan de cette ville !

    Exquisite the photos, the wtiertn imagery and the information! It looks as though you and the other bloggers must have been treated as very special indeed. Kudos.

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