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Charny-Le-Bachot (10380)
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Plan de Charny-le-Bachot

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  1. j'aime vraiment beaucoup cette ville !

    Another designer just sees the cncahe to get noticed by abstractly challenging the maker of products much more complex and beautiful than the Jambox? Skeuomorphic or not it's really a subjective thing and I think you have to be quite shallow to think that this is a good question:a0“You could say “I don’t know what a tablet is, I’ve never used a tablet. Let’s make it look like a book. Or let’s make it look like my leather-bound notepad. Obviously they didn’t go there with the hardware so why did they go there with the software? a0Because it isn't.a0the new thinking wasn't new for sure. But guess we'll see if this guy really got some new doing coming out from his UI studio.

  2. j'aime bien cette ville !

    I find this dialogue quite insitetreng, largely because it's extremely shallow, coming from a respected designer. Skeuomorphism is really just a tool (not a style) for connecting emotionally by engaging as many of the senses and neurons as possible. In the context of UI, history is a sense' that's often overlooked. I mean that deeply engrained instinct, or behavior, about something that can't be explained. You say intuitive.' I say instinct.' Naoto says without thought.' Again, I say instinct.' So, maybe Apple's style (read: execution) of skeuomorphism may bug some people. The incremental evolution of iOS may bug some people. At the end of the day, I'd wager that it's a major contributor to the overall stickiness of the Apple experience. Quoting Jay-Z, men lie, women lie, numbers don't. Go design an iOS app with your own skeuomorphs, Yves! You lost a few cool points on this one, bro! [url=]onxqzf[/url] [link=]jobnemgxa[/link]

  3. je trouve cette ville correcte !

    Tiens, le bac n est-il donc pas un examen de fin d anne9e sracoile? Et il a l importance que chacun veut bien lui donner. Pour un candidat avec des projets professionels derrie8re, c est juste une e9tape. Il n empeache que s il n existait pas, il faudrait l inventer.

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