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Chesley (10210)
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Plan de Chesley

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Note moyenne pour Chesley
  1. j'aime bien cette ville !

    10 million isn't end of the world, but it is ptetry apocalyptic. I imagine that this would be a couple of orders of magnitude more human deaths than had ever previously occurred due to a single more or less instantaneous event. I mean, the Hiroshima bombing probably holds the current record, and that was about 140,000.Of course, that figure SEEMS to be based on the actual impact of the asteroid. I'm not sure if they figure in the climatological impact, or the ridiculous numbers of people who would die in the area in the aftermath of the utter destruction of basically all of South American society. And if you think there's a lot of Latinos moving up north now, imagine the wave of migration in the year before the asteroid was predicted to hit We would also get to enjoy a sudden and sharp transition from whatever level of global warming we've reached in 2036 to the asteroid equivalent of nuclear winter, which would probably take many years to wear off.

  2. j'aime vraiment beaucoup cette ville !

    Re “imagineâ€ÂNow imagine how this case and disscusion would not exist were the deceased to have fired a round or so from a shotgun through the throat of the actual murderer .The best way to stop violent predators from killing innocents is killing the violent predators before they kill or seriously harm the innocent . [url=]xilxkpuk[/url] [link=]lgddmqeip[/link]

  3. je suis fan de cette ville !

    The photo of the year would be the passengers all out of the fltoaing plane, some in rafts and others standing on the wings, waiting for the rescue ! Glad it didn't happen in summer coz there's quite heavy traffic on this river. As expected, the rescue was swift Awesome the pilot flew the plane like an ace. Thanks for his being a former F-4 fighter pilot. In this business, exprience is everything !

  4. j'aime bien cette ville !

    It may be what we value, but it's not what we got. Now that Obama has nearly fhnesiid looting our treasury for the credit cartel, he has set his sights on slashing Social Security, thereby starving our senior citizens. It may be that politicians are supposed to lead, but as we all know, leadership is more likely to come from poets and philosophers, which seem to be in short supply on this side of the Atlantic.

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