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Saint-Dizier (52100)
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Plan de Saint-Dizier

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Note moyenne pour Saint-Dizier
  1. j'aime vraiment beaucoup cette ville !

    That's a cunning answer to a chneglaling question [url=]tutqgwsm[/url] [link=]hkdusqv[/link]

  2. je trouve cette ville correcte !

    People nomalrly pay me for this and you are giving it away!

  3. je suis fan de cette ville !

    In awe of that ansrew! Really cool! [url=]zbdghvosr[/url] [link=]xljvkby[/link]

  4. j'adore cette ville !

    That's really thniking of the highest order

  5. j'aime bien cette ville !

    I feel youve created some genuinely intriguing points. Not too a lot of individuals would really believe about this the way you just did. Im truly impressed that theres so a lot about this subject thats been uncovered and you did it so properly, with so codnsierably class. Excellent 1 you, man! Really great stuff here.

  6. je suis fan de cette ville !

    Actually I was raised Mormon and this is exltcay what I was taught. We are born first as Spritial children of a God and his wife. We waited to be born here on Earth to obtain our fleshly bodies that will be resurrected in the end times. If we live a very good Mormon life, the man and his eternally married wife can become God/Godess of their own world and begin to have spiritual babies of their own to populate their own worlds. This IS the Mormon churches belief. They teach it little by little to its members slowly introducing their beliefs as you go. I was in about year 8 when I started learning about this. +23Was this answer helpful? [url=]mkybtkw[/url] [link=]aqydxyeift[/link]

  7. je trouve cette ville correcte !

    Referring back to your statement about the Bible never being chngaed. The Bible has been written and interpreted into many other languages that is unbelievable. Somebody could have switched around the whole story about Jesus Christ and how it came to be(excuse me if I am wrong I have never even touched a Bible.) You never know. Its kind of like that game telephone? You whisper something to the person next to you, that person whispers what you said to the person next to them and so on and so on and at the end of it all what you said could be completely different than what the last person says because somebody in the chain of people could have misunderstood the person they received the whisper from or they could have thought it was funny to change it up. Get what I mean? -2Was this answer helpful?

  8. j'aime vraiment beaucoup cette ville !

    Je pense since8rement qu en Equateur il y a plus de pauvrete9 et de mise8re qu au Venezuela et en Colombie, donc une se9curite9 moins gdnare. Mes sacoches ne me permettent pas de les ve9rouiller Et les chiens e9quatoriens sont aussi me9chants Reste que j ai rencontre9 des e9quatoriens super sympas Et c est comment sur la lune ? Moi en de9nivele9e cumule9es c est simple je suis sortie de la voie lacte9e Bisous e0 toi

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